Every time I make one of these constructions I plan to paint over it. That is WHY I started making them in the first place. I REALLY want to paint on them. However, it often turns out that I like it so
much as is that I can't paint on it. One solution is to make the structure out of raw canvas. Then even if I like it raw I know I can remake it which allows me to go ahead a
paint on it. This time I tried something different. I gathered the ugliest assortment of whatnot and sewed them all together. And wouldn't you know...three people came in my studio after that oohing and aahing about how cool it was. Well, what the hell. I am not one to be deterred from my mission. So I went ahead and ignored them and slapped paint all over it. It's not done yet so this is just a tidbit. It needs more painting and maybe more sewing but I doubt I'll get to work on it much until I'm done with the pink thing below.