Olivia has been making some beautiful bird drawings so I thought I'd share them with you. I went to (I was interrupted by screaming. Olivia just showed the neighbor girl where the snakes hang out! See images below.) Anyway I went to the XPN Free at Noon concert today and saw Langhorne Slim. It was a great concert. I love to watch musicians at work. For some reason it really inspires my painting. This concert was extra fun because a group of students was visiting- I'm guessing middle school aged. One of the first songs used the word "pissed" emphatically which set the whole group to giggling. It didn't really fit with the song but something about their response struck me. Maybe a reality check because sometimes I forget that there are places no one swears, nostalgia, or a reminder that the audience (for painting too) brings their own set of personal and social taboos with them to your work? ie. you can make a very touching and compelling work and get senseless giggling in return.

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