Our garden is really starting to grow. The sunflowers burst into bloom this week and the weeds are a bit under control. So we've got sunflowers outside and inside!
I think some people look around when they are hiking. I have to keep my eyes glued to the ground. Any attempts I make to walk through the wood looking to the side or, god forbid, above result in...well, crashing to the ground. Luckily there are many interesting things to see on the ground. I have a thing for things growing into other things. Like this tree/rock combination here. What in the world caused this to happen??
I don't know if you love this project as much as I do. Probably not, but how can you argue with these great results? This time the kids are older, primarily 9ish (last time the kids were 4). These guys are pretty familiar with marker and line although a bit shy and concerned with "getting it right."
I love the unexpected things that happen in the shape works. Because they aren't as familiar with this way of working they are more creative. This is also a great precursor to finding shapes in drawing which is very important for observational drawing. I should remember to tell the parents that. Some of them were unimpressed.
Ha. This one is packing heat but lets just pretend it's a boot or something. Check out the folded collar on the pink coat. I wish we could do these every week.
This artist worked quickly and had time to do another one. The second time she broke out the pinking shears and had some fun.
I've mentioned our garden a few times. It's part of the community garden plots over at Rose Tree Park. THIS plant, on the other hand, is a renegade. We are not allowed to grow veggies here. That restriction might be more annoying if we weren't also buried in the wood. There's really not enough light for anything that needs full sun. But I guess no one told that to this pumpkin?- I think. I don't know how much longer it will be until the powers-that-be remove it. We are secretly hoping it stays until fall along with the potato crop I generated by throwing a bag of potatoes on the ground.
I can't cut this one up because it has a lot of hard texture on it. Some sort of medium I bought a while ago. So I just keep plugging away at it. These two trees were actually joined at the base. Somehow they grew into each other and both managed to grow in their restricted space. It's difficult to get that idea across in a painting. I've attempted it several times. I'm sure I'll try several more.
An appropriately masculine image for father's day. I drove home behind this the other day. Not something you see every day. We might try a hike today if the blasted rain will stop for long enough. Who knew Philadelphia had a monsoon season?
This is what I've been doing this week. Alzheimer's, autism, and kids art classes. Now I just need to figure out how to squeeze some of my own artmaking into the mix and life would be perfect. I probably put more of those Shape & Line portraits then you need to see. But, really, how could I choose!
I really hope my studio doesn't look like this. I'm doing so much teaching right now I haven't had a chance to go down there. Poor me. THIS was what we had to drive over/through to get to school yesterday. A bit of road and a lot of big sharp rocks, oh yeah, and a ton of water were running straight across the road. I was worried about popping a tire but we made it. The bird below is identified as a Red tailed Hawk with some help from Bill of the Birds.