Canyon de Chelly has one trail you can hike without a local guide. The White House Ruins Trail is fantastic and a good workout. The rest of the canyon can be hiked with a Dine guide. You can sign up for free guided tours at the visitor center which I'd really like to do the next time I visit.
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I am experiencing Face Book difficulties. So hope this gets to you. Or if it bounces that I know . Will check to see if you got it.
This recipe is based on 1 Pork Butt... which I think comes in about 4LBS. Sorry to be so imprecise... but I kind of winged it.
Here are the ingredients/
Pork Butt if you can find it... or Pork Shoulder, easier to find but go for the butt if you can ( boneless for both)
I think I was told to buy Goya ... which is what you ate.. but I have used other brands.
1 Jar ReCaito (Cilantro cooking base)... you'll need approx. 3-4 TBS ( or to taste)
1-2 jars 120z. Sorifito ( tomato cooking base) (approx. 1 jar per 4lb.... or so , butt... two were used when you ate it... as it was two butts
1 24 oz. bottle Mojo Criollo sauce... ( maybe 8 oz. for each 4lbs.) ... I may have used the full bottle with the two butts... you could always start small and add more?
As you can see I was in the moment when I mixed that up but it was yummy.
I also included the roots from a bunch of cilantro that I had chopped to add to the black bean and orange salad. I did remember to pull out the nasty bedraggled things before I served the pork... but using the roots was mentioned in an Asian cookbook that I am partial too... and it was good.
Your pour all ingredients into a crock pot, set it on high add the pork, put on the lid and go off for 6-8 hours. Check4 or so hours later to make sure your fluids are good ( if mine run low next time I will add orange juice... but by now you may have your own ideas) and then cook until you are ready to serve... about 7 hours is good. But I have varied by at least on hour on either side of this.
Then shred the pork... serve on rice or better still rolls... with shredded cheese.
I made a salad with black beans, oranges, cilantro and avocado and arugula and scallions ( and dressing) to serve with this, but if you don't do this than I would have chopped scallions , and avocado to add to the pulled pork.
Please enjoy and feel free to share... with the one promise ... I am the only one who can bring it to a Crane Pot Luck. YUMMY!
Here is an earlier and equally loose version, but tells you a bit more about the salad... but I now add Vietnamese Fish Sauce to the dressing too.
I must have some mistake in your address... .will check after I send this along. Great to see you Tues. Happy slow cooking!
Ladies grab your crock pots! This is the solution to any (except a vegetarian or kosher) Pot Luck. It makes a lot of food for very little money and effort!
I'll cut and paste it in case you have troubles. Might make a yummy valentine too!
Nancy Wentzel's
Can't Fail Pulled Pork
It took me more than a decade to try this, but it is fabulous. The most difficult part is finding Pork Butt… but it was readily available at my local Chinese grocery… I suspect it would be at a local bodega too.
A chunk of Pork Butt (preferred) or Pork Shoulder… I think mine was about 4LBS and cost about $5.00
1 cup of Goya Mojo Sauce… (I had to use a different brand… no prob.)
½ jar of Goya So Frito (I used the whole thing because it seemed like I had a lot of meat and what was I going to do with a half jar?)
This is it! You dump or carefully place all ingredients in a crock-pot or slow cooker, turn it to high and go on about your day. I went to the movies, saw a matinee of MILK and after about 8 hours of cooking served an AB FAB Meal.
I served it on rice
It is great on rolls
Laura had hers on onion rye with grated cheese and said it was great.
As a side dish I made a black bean salad
Washed greens
1 can black beans rinsed
1 temple orange sliced
Chopped scallions
1 avocado sliced
Dressed with mustard vinaigrette spiked with Vietnamese Chlli Sauce (to taste) Yummy good … a nice Spanish red or beer and you are good to go.
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