The fledgling tomatillo plants that I rescued from the shovel are doing great. I thought I'd already told the story of rescuing them but I can't find it. Suffice it to say that I got to the garden center too late to purchase any tomatillo plants. I thought I'd have to go without them, a real tragedy. The next day I was turning over my last row of dirt and weeds and found one plant- a volunteer from last year. It was abused, having been dumped over with my shovel. I searched the rest of my turned-over row like I was looking for victims of a building collapse. I found three total. Their poor bodies were pathetic, two had been upside down in the dirt for two days. It was touch and go at first but they all made it. In fact as the garden got going more volunteers sprung up.

The back right corner of my garden is a tangle of tomatillos and tomatoes. No actual ROWS to speak of. Harvesting is a treasure hunt. Today we gathered up handfuls of tomatillos, heirloom tomatoes that are purplish-green and cherry tomato sized, and three great looking full size heirloom tomatoes. Yum.
Last night Salsa Verde!