I really want the word "macrocosm" to mean the world up close- as in looked at through a macro lens. But it doesn't. Dictionary.com and I are at an impasse. Since I can't have what I want and I can't find another equally cool word that does refer to "an up close look at the details of the world" I have no title for this blog. But in the spirit of our times I'll use the title "AUCLATDOTW." Those of you who think that this is ridiculous should know that my husband told the dog to “GLD” instead of "go lay down." "Go lay down" is a command I taught Sam years ago that basically means leave me alone. (As opposed to "Kennel" which means he should go lay down in his cage.) Sam doesn't actually follow commands any more. We seem to have lost that ground when he stopped being able to sit. The command "sit", it would seem, was the cornerstone of our control over Sam. But we are just happy our 13 year old, 3-foot tall black lab mix is still with us. Anyway the command “lay there and ignore me” still works so what more can we ask for?
Oh right. And this is my introduction to the macro photo series now known as “AUCLATDOTW.”
photo details: painting in progress from today's studio session.
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