Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bouldering & Hunting Accidents

Post date: Feb 24, 2008
Hike date: back in the fall sometime

I mentioned our bouldering hike in my very first blog. This was a fantastic hike in an area called Sunset Rocks not too far from Harrisburg. Look at the diamond(ish) shaped rock on the lower right of the photo. You'll see a blue paint mark near the top. That's the trail mark! Right over these spectacular rocks. I love rocks. Olivia does too. We went to the Grand Canyon when she was two and I spent a lot of time shaking the rocks out of her pockets. (You aren't supposed to take any home with you. I believe it's illegal, although I doubt they were going to arrest a two year old. Certainly they would have let her go after her first temper tantrum-ha.)

We are new to hiking in Pennsylvania. I'm beginning to believe the entire state is hunting grounds. The first people we encountered were hunters. One of them was about 12 yrs old. Children with riffles-my favorite. I've since learned that you are required to wear 250 cm. of fluorescent orange when walking on state lands during hunting season. The trick is knowing when you've crossed into hunting grounds. Also it appears that it is hunting season for something or another during fall, winter and spring.

We met a Canadian man a few years ago in Las Vegas. I got into a discussion with him about gun violence and the movie Bowling for Columbine. The Canadian man said that there was less gun violence in Canada because Americans own hand guns and Canadians own hunting riffles.

Well, of course, if someone gets shot with a hunting riffle it's not "gun violence" it's a "hunting accident."

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