Monday, October 19, 2009

The Black Box

I'll be honest. I've gotten sucked into the TV and I can't get back out. I'm using it for escapism. I know this. But sometimes I suspect it's using me. I suspect maybe my interaction with the TV is not voluntary. I frequently resolve to stop watching it. But before the resolution is fully formed in my mind I'm already thinking of what I'll watch next. Then the pressure and stress -the anxiety- of failure starts to press down on my mind. I know this can only be relieved by a few hours of TV. It's a vicious circle. The DVR is my accomplice. I used to quit watching when there was "nothing " on. Now I can reserve interesting things all night long, though sadly only two shows can save at once. This cause marital strife the other night when I wouldn’t let Matt watch the Phillies game. Not because I was watching TV, but because two important shows, hmm I think Vampire Diaries and Mentalist, were taping and could NOT be disturbed. I know that this is disturbed, that I am disturbed, but I NEED these shows. And then I found out that I am not alone. Paging through Art Forum and what do I see?? An article on Tru Blood. I think I’ll read it when my next show ends.

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