Sunday, August 12, 2012

Climbing Mt. Cardigan

It was really difficult to narrow these down.  After a week of sitting on a couch in Boston (all for a good cause as my sister-in-law continues to get better) Olivia and I set off to visit my cousin in New Hampshire.  She made us climb a mountain.  Ha.  Okay, you already know I love doing things like climbing mountains.  And since I'm doing everything out of order this summer you haven't even seen the much bigger mountain we climbed in Austria.  But in the week before the Austria climb we spent every day walking all over various towns and cities.  And in the week before this climb we sat on the couch and occasionally got up to make dinner or clean something.  Olivia was out of commission that whole week because of her foot surgery and Traci, who would have loved to climb a mountain, was supposed to sit around and heal.  So by the time we are facing Mt. Cardigan I am way out of shape.  Luckily it was cool and overcast which blocked the spectacular views at the top but made it easy to photograph the great rocks.  And I only complained a little (hehehe please don't try to corroborate that I think they might tell you I was a big whining whiner) on the way down.  And like every hike I've ever gone on it was all totally worth it.  I think we may have to plan more visits to Beth and get her to make us climb more mountains.

1 comment:

MarieE said...

what beautiful rocks! Take me hiking sometime please- you seem to know all the best spots