We went to see the Shepard Fairey show at the ICA over spring break. Ironically they did not allow photos. I say ironically, in case it isn't obvious to you, because his work is all appropriated images so who's worried about further appropriation?? Maybe it's just a general "special exhibition" museum policy because I couldn't photograph the Marlene Dumas show at MOMA either. But I did photograph Marlene Dumas at the ICA. Dumas perplexes me because her painting handling is sometimes shockingly beautiful and sometimes awkwardly dumb. This is most powerful when she uses both in one piece but I really want to know more about why she does this. I suspect it has to do with treating the images the way we treat images in real life-trash we are inundated with and cannot possibly pay much attention to even when the images are disturbing. White noise would be the hearing related term but what is the equivalent for visual background "noise?"

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