Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hot Summer Days

If you can stand the heat the refuge in July is a pretty wonderful place.  Tuesday Olivia and I made an attempt to get out before the heat got too bad.  Alas, it was 76°F when we got in the car, 86°F when we got to the refuge, and 96°F by the time we finished our walk.  We really wanted to see the Least Bittern nest and while we failed at that we did get a really nice look at a small Green Heron.  (Of course it was right at the beginning of our walk continuing to prove the proximity-to-car wildlife rule which states that you will see the coolest things within easy reach of the car making a mockery of miles of hot, tiring effort.)  

I love the Marsh Mallows in bloom and I love that they are called "Marsh Mallow" so that no matter how hard I try it always sounds like I'm saying marshmellow (a quick spell check tells me that even the food is Marshmallow so no wonder...)  

Olivia took the Green Heron photo.  Best one of the bunch!

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