Monday, July 30, 2012

Sora Rail

There are a lot of great things about the Heinz NWR at Tinicum.  Some of the best are all new birds I've been able to see there, like this Sora Rail about whose existence I was totally unaware until last week.  The other great things are all the people willing to share what they see and even tell you what it is...five times if that's what it takes. 

If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend HBO's documentary "Birders: The Central Park Effect."  It was intelligent and beautiful and included this fabulous comment by author Jonathan Franzen:

"I'd been walking in Central Park pretty much daily for the previous seven years and I thought it was a place of pigeons and sparrows...  ...It was like the trees were hung with ornaments...   ...Seeing this familiar urban park filled with birds like that was one of those rare times in an adults life where the world suddenly seems more magical rather than less."

I'm going to have to read more of his books. 

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