Thursday, September 1, 2011

Restart My Heart

photo by Chris Tomlinson

Now that Olivia is 5" taller than me it seems important to keep reminding her that I gave birth to her. Maybe I'm just trying to remind myself. I was looking through this beautiful group of photos that Chris Tomlinson took of the kids at Band Camp up in the Poconos (where they were through Hurricane Irene.) It was fun to see all the pictures but of course I was looking for Olivia. That's when I got to this photo. I scanned it left to right. Nope. Oh wait, I recognize that boy on the right, he's a friend of Olivia's. So I start scanning the other way. I recognized the shirts that color guard tie-bleached. And then I almost fell off my chair. Olivia is the second girl on the left. In the sunglasses. I didn't recognize my own daughter!!!! The one to whom I gave birth!!!! I made Matt come see the photo. He too recognized her friend but not Olivia. Someone needs to restart my heart. I can't take this growing up stuff.

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